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206 items found for "women covid-19"

  • How Has Covid-19 Impacted Refugee Women?

    groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. All these factors impact refugee women’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The social isolation that has been established as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19 Pregnant refugee women are at higher risk of falling ill, as COVID-19 makes them a vulnerable group, and they do not have the necessary medication to treat COVID-19 infections or to support them during

  • The Infantilisation of Women

    Therefore, the infantilisation of women is when people treat women like children, either through actions In his book Gender Advertisements, released in 1979, he critically analysed advertisements and pointed out the industry’s infantilisation of women. He argues that women are infantilised to convey the idea that women are not able to function as adults This perception of women being childlike significantly impacts women’s lives in many different aspects

  • The Link Between Covid-19 and the Environment

    When animals are stressed in these conditions, viruses such as COVID-19 can jump to animal handlers or In the same way, the theory of the origin of COVID-19 is that diseases from bats spread to another animal Control efforts brought annual numbers down from 6 million in the 1940s to 50,000 in the 60s.

  • Sexism and the Pandemic: How are Women Being Left Behind in Coronavirus Recovery Plans?

    COVID-19 and its repercussions demonstrate that the world we live in is still deeply misogynistic. Policy ma(n)king Given the disproportionate impact COVID-19 has had on women, you would assume that women , men have tended to outnumber women in COVID-19 task forces. of gender quotas in COVID-19 task forces and a general focus on gender mainstreaming. While we now have data trackers such as the COVID-19 Sex Disaggregated Data Tracker by Global Health

  • Women in the Arts: Yayoi Kusama

    In this series, we're taking a look at women who have made waves in the arts - from painters and performers She left to formally study contemporary art in Kyoto Municipal School of Arts and Crafts in 1948, where She did so in 1958, defying her parents’ wishes and kickstarting an incredibly successful career. Above images in order: Accumulation No. 1, 'Accumulations' (1962), Mirror Rooms (1965-present), Narcissus Want to write your own addition to our Women in the Arts series? Send us a pitch here.

  • Covid-19 and Conspiracy Theories: Where Have They Come From?

    -19 already exists. -19. -19. -19. Although this concern regarding the Covid-19 vaccine has been particularly widespread of late, the fear

  • Umoja: The Women-Only Village

    Along with 14 other women, she founded the village in 1990, naming it after the Swahili word for ‘unity After first colonising the area in 1895, the British renamed the East Africa Protectorate to Kenya in 1920 The country gained its independence in 1963, following the Mau Mau rebellion. British troops stationed in Kenya from 1983-2003. land ownership for women.

  • Influential Women Series: bell hooks

    In this series of Cheat Sheets, we are celebrating the lives and achievements of influential women, as She was born in 1952 in Kentucky and died recently in December 2021. bell hooks was incredibly passionate about women’s issues, however, she always felt that black women , and then rising to fame with her book Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism in 1981. Her aim was always to make feminism and women’s empowerment as accessible as possible.

  • Women in the Arts: Mitzi Shore

    In this series, we're taking a look at women who have made waves in the arts - from painters and performers actor and comedian Sammy Shore in 1950. While The Belly Room divided opinions (were women simply being marginalised to a pokey back room?) It encouraged women to find their feet, create a different approach, with a different rhythm, and own Want to write your own addition to our Women in the Arts series? Send us a pitch here.

  • Climate Change and Women's Health: What's the Connection?

    This is due to women’s lower status within patriarchal societies. and girls, older women, LGBTIQ+ people, women and girls with disabilities, migrant women, and those Rising temperatures also make it more common for women to experience a stillbirth, and pregnant women women’s movement. During a flood in Bangladesh in 1998, it was found that, due to this societal expectation, women were

  • Women in the Arts: Carole Cadwalladr

    her articles on Cambridge Analytica and Brexit but also her opinions on how the UK government handled COVID -19. She formed support networks with other women journalists who also experienced social media abuse. ‘The Family Tree’ is a feminist work showcasing the life of a middle-class English family after the women Want to write your own addition to our Women in the Arts series? Send us a pitch here.

  • Women in the Arts: Frida Kahlo

    In this series, we're taking a look at women who have made waves in the arts - from painters and performers "she showed women around the world that the only person who has to think you are beautiful is yourself She had a successful career at a time where women were not supposed to work. Kahlo is still an idol for many women and men alike, and rightfully so. Want to write your own addition to our Women in the Arts series? Send us a pitch here.

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